Out of the Abundance of the Heart, The Mouth Speaks
Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the Mouth Speaks
Let's talk today about something we all deal with… our words. It’s a huge topic, and it affects every area of our lives. Jesus tells us in Luke 6:45, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” You know, what’s going on inside of us is eventually going to come out of our mouths. There’s no hiding it. You can try to cover it up for a little while, but if your heart’s not in the right place, it’s going to show up in your speech.
Now, we’ve all said things we regret, haven’t we? I know I have! There have been times when I’ve said something, and the moment it left my mouth, I thought, “Why did I say that?” But the truth is, whatever’s in your heart is what’s going to come out. If you’re angry or bitter on the inside, it’s going to spill over into your words. And if your heart is full of love, kindness, and God’s truth, that’s what’s going to come out, too.
What’s in Your Heart?
Let’s look at the full verse in Luke 6:45: “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Did you catch that? Whatever is stored up in your heart is what you’re going to bring out. I think of it like a storage closet. If you fill a closet with junk, what’s going to happen when you open the door? Junk is going to fall out all over the place! But if you fill it with good things, that’s what you’ll have access to when you open it up.
In the same way, what you store in your heart will eventually come out through your words. If you’re constantly thinking about negative things—replaying old hurts, focusing on what you don’t have, or comparing yourself to others—that’s what’s going to come out in your speech. But if you’re filling your heart with God’s Word, focusing on His promises, and letting His love heal those wounds, then what you say is going to reflect that.
Words Are Powerful.
I want to remind you today that your words are powerful. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death is in the power of the tongue.”
Think about that for a second… life and death! What you say has the power to bring life or to bring destruction. And it’s not just the words we speak to others; it’s also the words we say to ourselves.
How many of us are constantly saying negative things about ourselves? Things like, “I’ll never change,” or “I’m not good enough,” or “This situation will never get better.” If that’s what you’re saying, then that’s what you’re believing. And as long as that’s what’s in your heart, you’ll keep speaking it, and it will affect your life in a negative way.
But the good news is that the opposite is true, too! When you start speaking God’s truth… “I am more than a conqueror through Christ,” or “God has a plan for my life,” or “With God, all things are possible”, then that eventually becomes what you believe, and will change the way you live. It brings life!
Guarding Your Heart
So, how do we change what’s coming out of our mouths? We have to start by looking at what’s going into our hearts. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life..” If you want to change your words, you have to change what’s in your heart.
That means being intentional about what you allow into your life. What are you feeding on? What are you filling your mind with? Are you spending time in the Word of God, letting His truth renew your mind and transform your heart? Or are you constantly listening to negativity, filling your mind with things that are dragging you down?
You know, it’s not just about avoiding the bad stuff, but also about filling up on the good. Don’t just resist sin…replace it. If you’re struggling with negative speech, start filling your heart with God’s Word. Make it a priority to spend time with Him every day. Meditate on scriptures that speak life and truth over your situation. And when those negative thoughts come up, replace them with God’s promises. Will it change the way you think overnight? No. But it will eventually change the way you think… and speak.
Speak Life Over Yourself and Others
One of the best ways to guard your heart and change your speech is to start speaking life… over yourself, over your family, over your circumstances. Even when you don’t feel like it, even when things look hopeless, start speaking words of faith.
You might not see the results right away, but I’m telling you, when you start speaking the Word of God over your life, things will change. Isaiah 55:11 says that God’s Word “will not return to me void, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” When you speak His Word, you’re aligning yourself with His will, and it will accomplish what He intends.
So, be intentional about your words. Speak life! When you wake up in the morning, instead of complaining or worrying, say, “Thank You, Lord, that You’re in control. I trust You, and I know You’re working everything out for my good.” When you’re facing a challenge, instead of saying, “I don’t know how I’m going to get through this,” say, “With God’s help, I’m more than a conqueror!”
A Changed Heart Leads to Changed Words
I want to encourage you today—don’t just focus on changing your speech. Focus on letting God transform your heart. When you allow Him to heal the broken places, when you meditate on His Word and let it fill your heart, your words will naturally begin to change. You won’t have to force it. Out of the abundance of a healed and whole heart, your mouth will begin to speak life, truth, and encouragement.
Remember, what’s in your heart is what’s going to come out of your mouth. Let’s make sure we’re filling our hearts with the right things… God’s love, His truth, His promises… so that what we speak reflects who He is. When we do, we’ll see our lives and the lives of those around us transformed.
This week, do your best to be intentional about what you’re storing in your heart, and let’s make sure you’re speaking life.
God has great things in store for you, and your words have the power to bring them to life!
Reflection for this week:
What kinds of words have been coming out of your mouth lately? Are they words of life and encouragement, or do they lean toward negativity?
What are you currently allowing into your heart? Are there any influences… whether media, conversations, or relationships… that may be affecting the way you speak?
How can you intentionally fill your heart with God’s Word each day to help your speech align with His truth?
What are some practical steps you can take to guard your heart and speak more life over yourself and others?